Battlefields Tour #2 - WWI

Oct 16, 2023 14:59

The first cemetery we visited was St Symphorien Military Cemetery ... containing early graves from WWI, as well as a few of the last deaths on 11/11/1918

Our Guide

4 POWs who died at the beginning of the war

1st VC, and last man dead in WWI

On all CWGC there was the option of adding a personal inscription, some of which are just family love - but some are very special and poignant, such as this one I spotted on J Wilkinson's grave from the first days of the war - 23/08/1914

Another stop was to a Museum based on "The Retreat from Mons"

Captain's uniform of the Belgian 2nd Regiment of the Light Infantry

Cross from the common grave of 7 Resistance fighters

British bugle of the 2nd King's Royal Rifles crushed at the retreat of Mons

British drums bequeathed by the regiments who fought in Mons

German cardboard shroud

Winter shoes worn over regulation shoes to protect from the cold in the German Army on the Eastern front

More to come

cemetery, museum, camera, holiday 2023, cwcg, wwi

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