Wow, I Finished My Fic

Jul 15, 2023 10:24

Wow yesterday was "slightly damp, wasn't it?  I think there are a few countries around the world that could do with that rain.  However, for me, I was working for 11 hours, so indoors ... but Tim & Claire were on holiday (they come home today), so they would not have been happy, as they love long walks.

I am working later, but am catching up here first, although I also have to do some shopping.

... Here, at my fan writing LJ

Back in the winter, when I was doing the Snowflake Challenge, I did say that I was going to write another fic .... and that Stargate Atlantis didn't finish quite as I wanted, so I wrote a finale "Longlasting Peace".  I just hope I didn't tangle my words too much and it makes sense ... but at least I am happy I managed to complete it.  I am still trying to get my ongoing BtVS fic written.  Maybe now this one is done, I can focus a bit more.

So, shopping, and sorting ... then off to work again.  But as ever, and before I go -

15 - Give Something Away Day: What is one thing of yours that you would consider giving away to someone in need?
Depends what they need ... but blankets etc are always useful

16 - Personal Chef Day: If you could afford it, would you like to have a personal chef? Would you have them cook all your meals, or only supper/dinner?
I enjoy cooking. And for "everyday" I enjoy simple meals, so it would be a waste of time ... but maybe once a month for a weekend?

Right, will have a read through your posts, then head out

sga, stargate, weather, fan fic, john/elizabeth, daily meme

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