Wow Where Did Those Days Go?

Apr 17, 2023 10:52

Actually I can tell you!

I didn't get my Well photos finished, but will do, I promise .. at some point. They are mostly sorted, but as ever the days get away from me.

I spoke to Brenda on Thursday afternoon and she said that she still hadn't got Nick to make a decision about the visit to Auntie Joyce. Then Friday, when I got back from work it was to a text from her saying that she would take me up on my offer. So I grabbed lunch, threw a change of clothes in a bag and headed up to N&B's. I got there in time to have a nice chat with Tom, who is in the process of moving out, as he is going to do a house share with 3 friends. They have been friends since aged 5, and all work in Bristol, so are going to see how that works out. So it was good to see him and catch up.

I had dinner with N&B, and Joe and his girlfriend, so again, nice to catch up with them.

And Saturday morning was early ... Brenda drove and I bought all the food. Auntie Joyce is certainly frail, as you can see, but as my other granddad would say "creaking gates swing the longest". She was fine, and although Brenda tried getting her to see that she either needs to go back home, or to sell the bungalow, but she went round in circles. I did assure her that whatever she wanted the family would help/support etc, but all I got was an "ok" ... so it was good to see her, and with Brenda there I felt cushioned from her negativity. So, all in all, a long day, but we were both glad we did the trip.

Then yesterday, being Sunday, and I was tired, I didn't turn on the pc ... so now I have catching up to do ...

14 - Look Up At The Sky Day: go and have a look out the window at the sky and tell us what you see (if anything!)
Ad Mum would say, today it's a "concrete sky" ... in other words just flat grey.

15 - World Art Day: what is your favourite piece of art? Have you ever seen it or only admired it in pictures?
I do like Canaletto's works of Venice, and have seen some. I like John Constable's "The Hay Wain" and yes, I have seen that as well.
But sometimes a picture really grabs me, and one that did was The Monarch of the Glen when I saw it

16 - Garden Month: Do you have a garden, or access to a community garden? Is your garden all flowers, or do you grow herbs, vegetables, berries, etc.? If you live in an apartment, do you have a balcony garden?
My garden is 100% patio, but it is surrounded by tubs of flowers ... I have tried tomatoes, and also mint, but didn't work out ... so stick to flowers. I do miss mowing, as I always did Mum & Dad's grass.

17 - International Bat Appreciation Day: Have you ever seen a bat in the flesh? Real bat or Batman, which is better?
Sorry, the oly bat I appreciate is Batman!

Right, let's try & get photos sorted ... will hope to catch up with you soon x

camera phone, brenda, family, daily meme, auntie joyce

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