A Couple Of The Snowflake Posts ... And 4 Icons

Jan 17, 2023 15:15

As I have done this each year, I shall probably did in and out of it. We shall see how it goes!

Challenge #1

In your own space, update your fandom information! Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

For any of you who know me, not much has changed over the last few years ... although I at long last watched Stargate Atlantis ... and loved it. I am a great fan of John/Elizabeth (and am in fact slowly wring a fic).

But other than that my fandoms are Spuffy from BtVS (the series & no comics), Katheryn Janeway/Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager (haven't seen Prodigy yet)

Still love a lot of TV series ... but just look at my Profile, as not much changes. ...  One boring girl!

I haven't don't any more from day one, until today ... I will do some of the missing challenges at some point, but will do this one now (one less for the future!)

Challenge #9

In your own space, celebrate a personal win from the past year: it can be a list of fanworks you're especially proud of, time you spent in the community, a quality or skill you cultivated in yourself, something you generally feel went well. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I keep saying I am going to get back to writing, well last year I did add a bit to my Spuffy WIP.

As I mentioned in Snowflake #1, I found a new fandom in Stargate Atlantis, and shipping John/Elizabeth. Well, as I did when I fell into fandom I am writing a fic to change/add onto the ending. It is still a WIP, however I hope to get it finished ASAP ... and it will then be up on my AO3 account - Debris4spike

So although I can't share that with you, I am proud of the fact I am getting back into fandom writing.

And, as I said a bit earlier I fifnoshed off this set of icons for challenge 163 of your_favourites … with favourite hairstyle being the prompt.  Although I personally have short hair, I do like long hair ... as you can see in these 4 Buffy icons, there are an asssortment of things you can do ..


sga, btvs, buffy, fan fic, snowflake challenge, icons

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