Turkish Holiday Photos #5

Oct 04, 2022 15:23

One of the places we went to in Turkey was Troy.  It was great to say that I have been there, and yes I saw the horse that Brad Pitt went into the city in (in the film), but other than that it is not all that interesting (after seeing Ephasus & Pergammon).  But still I am glad I have been there -

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holiday 2022, turkey, camera

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Comments 4

kazzy_cee October 5 2022, 06:48:20 UTC
Your holiday sounds great. Was it a guided tour holiday?


debris4spike October 5 2022, 09:59:16 UTC
Yes it was a tour group. There are quite a few groups that do "singles" tours, and this was one. We ended up staying in 5 different hotels in the week, which wasn't as much fun, but at least I got to see a chunk of Turkey


curiouswombat October 5 2022, 14:42:22 UTC
I can't help feeling that if the Trojan horse had looked like that the Trojans really should have suspected there might be people on board!


debris4spike October 5 2022, 17:08:57 UTC
Yes, we said that if the Trojans were taken in by the horse, then they deserved to lose!


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