Portugal #4

Aug 27, 2022 13:28

On the day afetr the wedding the 3 of us got a taxi to Nazaré

As they were tired the plan was to have a swim, and then they would snooze while I went sightseeing ... but, as you can see, no swimming

Still the views from the top were amazing

So we went down to the beach (thus the 1st photo) and this further image (although it was very hazy

They settled down to snooze while I headed back up to the town

And then to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Nazaré

This image, near the doorway shows the Legend of Nazaré

And the Memory Hermitage of Nazaré is where the original miracle happened

A trly stunning town, and well worth a visit if you get a chance.

church, portugal, holiday 2022, camera, history

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