Good Friday Greetings

Apr 15, 2022 15:17

This morning I had a lazy start - yes, I opted not to go to the sunrise service that our Church was doing. So after a slow breakfast I walked into Exeter - I was behind with the photo prompts at photo_scavenger so thought it would be nice to walk in and take a few photos.  I managed a few of the missing prompts, as well as taking photos of the beautiful spring flowers I saw.  At present they are uploading, so will share those tomorrow ... for now, I thought I would share that the Cathedral Green is commemorating Good Friday, as you can see -

On my way back I bumpred into Ceri and her daughter, so it was nice to catch up for a moment.  She has a parking token and had parked near my house and they were walking into the city for lunch.

Yesterday I wasn't around as after working I ended up running errands for Tim & Claire.  So, although that was quite a palava, I was really happy they actually asked me to do it.  They are both Covid positive, and have been quite poorly, so I didn't go in the house, but it was nice to both be able to help as well as to see them both briefly.

Well, I am going to have a lazy afternoon now ... leaving the computer to do the uploading all by itself.  But, before I go -

14. What is something everyone agrees we should change, but somehow it never changes?
People's tolerance with others ... either on a personal, or a national, basis

15. What is the weirdest text or email you've ever received?
I can't think of one specifically - sadly I could tell you what the worst email I received was, but that wasn't what was asked, so will not share that.

Anyway - enjoy your Hot Cross Buns x

tim and claire, walk, exeter, daily meme, camera

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