Busy, Busy, Busy ... But Fun

Feb 26, 2022 15:31

What a great but hectic couple of days.

Thursday I was almost late catching my train which really didn't start the day well, but the rest was lovely.  Claire & I had to stand all the way there, however that didn't stop us drinking a bottle of Prosecco!  Then we met up with Brenda and shopped ... yes, we were looking for outfits for me & Brenda for a summer wedding.  So the first item bought was a jumper that I shall wear next Christmas ... then Claire bought a couple of blouses!!!!   But it was fun ... it's not anything I have ever done before and really enjoyed it.

However the good news is that, as well as the jumper, I did come home with a dress for Andrew's wedding .... it was nothing like I was expecting to buy, nothing like I would normally buy, yet I do like it, and it will be good to wear both for the wedding as well as on future occasions.  I still have to sort out shoes, bag, hat and a wrap or bolero or something.

Then when we thought we were not going to find anything for Brenda our last shop turned up trumps ... and in fact she bought 2 dresses plus jacket, so she will decide & take one back.  I much prefer one of them so have my fingers crossed, although they are both lovely & suit her.

So, a  really fun day ... and to make things even better when Claire & I got back to the station it was to find all the trains were delayed, but we were able to catch "the previous" one, and got back to Exeter about 1/2 hour earlier than planned.  We walked to a pub near us both & met Tim and had dinner.  They then walked me home ... about 9 miles walked, so very tired (& my ankle wasn't 100% happy with me) ... but I coped a lot better than I expected overall.

(And, for those who wonder, yes, Claire bought another outfit, even though she had one already!!!)

Needless to say I slept well ... as Mum & Dad would say "I didn't need rocking"

Then yesterday Christine came up and we had fresh buns I baked for morning coffee/tea and then walked to Heavitree (a section of Exeter) where I bought her lunch, as it was her birthday.  I had asked her where she wanted to go and she loves Charity shops, so we went round the 5 that are there, and ironically bumped into Claire who had popped out to post a couple of cards.  From there we walked to the cemetery as she wanted to see a grave of a sculpter that she had been to a talk about.  So we said Hi to Mum & Dad and then pottered round as we both love cemeteries.  Thought you would like to see one of the more famous graves ...

Actually Ralph Giles is one of the few gentlemen that has a named grave in Halifax ... one of the few people who were recovered.  I do wonder if the father, whose grave this is, ever got over to see his grave.

We walked back home, she collected her pressies and headed home ... so I had a lazy evening.

I now have done some shopping, had lunch ... and really have to get a few icons made today otherwise I will be out of time ... but before I go I have yesterday, today & tomorrow to answer -

25. What is the least inspiring/interesting meal you've eaten?
Odd question - after 60 years of life I have probably eaten loads of "blah" food ... and forgotten all about it!

26. What really needs to be modernized?
Me ... but I like being old-fashioned

27. "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!" Do you believe hardship make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?
Hardship will always teach you who you are - what you are. And, if you can learn from the lessons then the hardship will make you stronger

Well, that's me for now - See you Monday x

shopping, rl, chronic fatigue syndrome, camera, claire, brenda, injury, cemetery, daily meme, christine

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