Eunice Has Been Busy

Feb 18, 2022 15:40

I know storms etc are named in alphabetical order, but, Eunice, seriously!  Sorry but that is a really odd choice of name.

Anyway, there is a lot of damage in my part of England.  The town I used to live in has apparently been quite damaged, which doesn't suprise me at all, as it's on the west coast and its next nearest neighbour in USA.

I ended up changing my plas, as I had the morning off and had aimed to walk into the city, so in the end I have survived Storm Eunice this morning ... but my fence didn't. The only reason it isn't flattened is that it's leaning on a shed. Sorry, it's a poor photo as it's through my conservatory windows (& they need a clean!).  The frustrating thing is that of the 2 sides of my fence, this was the "good" side.  If I had to lose one half, why couldn't it have been the half that needs work anyway!

Hope you are all safe & well.

18. What are you going to do this weekend?
Not much on Saturday (tomorrow) as the forecast is heavy rain.
On Sunday it will be Church in the morning, then a lazy afternoon of reading and chatting to a friend on the phone then TV in the evening (our evening services haven't re-started yet)
**Enjoy your weekend, everyone**

camera phone, weather, daily meme

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