Sweet 16 ....

Jan 29, 2022 10:58

.... well, you know the rest of the phrase!

However LJ gave me virtual pressie -

Yesterday it was the 16th anniversary of my opening a LJ account!

However that wasn't the reason I was missing yesterday, partying the day away!  I went to visit Mum & Dad's next door neighbour.  It still seems weird to walk past "our" house, although as they have made changes I don't feel as if it is "home" any more, but still has millions of memories.  2 years ago her husband died and soon after Heather became fully bed-bound, so its good to see her doing so well.  There are huge family tensions that started some years ago, so it's always hard to see how one of their daughters is getting along.  She is exactly my age and is the one who has suffered the worst with everything that happened between another daughter and their parents ... just so, so sad ... and guess what, it's all about money!

Anyway having spent time with Heather, and then with Chryssie I decided to stay in the area, have lunch and a potter round the shops.  Other than a couple of groceries I didn't buy anything, but was determined to be a good girl and take "time out" as my consultant keeps nagging me to do.  It still seems wrong, but I am determined to persevere.

Today I have a lazyish morning then this afternoon walking to the cemetery where M&D are ... but it's to be there as a supporter for the Regional Director of Commonwealth War Graves Commission as he is giving a guided tour of the War Graves in the cememtery.  He has also asked that if we spot any dirty graves then we could clean them later.  So, a busy afternoon.

Now I am signing off to be organised ... and, as ever, I will be away tomorrow ...

27. Who was your best teacher/professor? Why?
For the last question I spoke about Mrs Bennet, well, when she refused to teach m for my final year Mrs Wilde had me (& 2 others) in her high class. She taught us how to write an essay. She had the 3 of us doing 4 special projects in the month before our exam -
a) Describe your house, and describe your bedroom
b) Describe your journey to school
c) Describe a family member
d) Sit in fromt of a painting/picture/ornament and describe it
This meant we had the way to describe something within an essay plan.
She actually gave me a good-luck card on the morning of the exam ... and, as I said, I got a B & a C

29. If you are an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you wish you were an only child?
As you know I have 2 brothers ... and occasionally have wished them "anywhere"
However I do love them both - and my 2 sisters-in-law are truly special people that I am glad to have in my life

30. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? If you don't use top sheets, if you stay somewhere that does, do you prefer your sheets tucked in or out?
Yes, I use sheets & blankets, tucked into the base of the bed so I don't lose them, but ofter have my feet outside the blankets.

See you Monday x

lj, daily meme, mum and dad, cwcg

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