Weekend Again

Mar 27, 2021 14:34

This morning I walked to Tesco again ... it was lovely warm & sunny.  as ever I bought too much and even though I got the bus much of the way home, my arms still felt very stretched!

And, tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Sadly the Church I "go to" doesn't sing older hymns, so I won't get to sing my favourite Palm Sunday hymn, unless they have it on the BBC programme of "Songs of Praise"

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1 Ride on, ride on in majesty
as all the crowds 'Hosanna!' cry:
through waving branches slowly ride,
O Saviour, to be crucified.

2 Ride on, ride on in majesty,
in lowly pomp ride on to die:
O Christ, your triumph now begin
with captured death, and conquered sin!

3 Ride on, ride on in majesty
the angel armies of the sky
look down with sad and wondering eyes
to see the approaching sacrifice.

4 Ride on, ride on in majesty,
the last and fiercest foe defy:
the Father on his sapphire throne
awaits his own anointed Son.

5 Ride on, ride on in majesty,
in lowly pomp ride on to die:
bow your meek head to mortal pain,
then take, O God, your power and reign!

They are beautiful words in honour of a very special event in Jesus' life ... and as a horse rider I can see Jeus' power over creation. Anyone wanting to ride a colt would never choose a busy, noisy path. They take time to settle, to be "broken".

The other reason that I love the hymn is for the line in verse 3 "The angel armies in the skies", remind me of my visit, many years ago, to The American War Cemetery at Cambridge ... I really, really must rerun. The mosaics in the Chapel were presumably based on this line, as the Flying Fortresses (of WWII) and Angels combine -

Well I must get a couple of Easter Cards written to get the Monday morning post, but as ever I will do a couple of days questions before I turn off the pc -

27. Have you ever failed a class?
French, when I was at school, and then my A levels only just avoided being failures.
At college I failed Biochemistry (but then over 1/2 the class did, so we didn't hav to re-sit) and Neurophysiology (although my tutor told me it was the exam nerves as apparently I wrote a lot of negatives as positives, and vice versa!

28. Do you have a certain way you have to sleep? (Covered, not covered, with or without noise etc)
I like to be covered, lying on my right (with my right foot outside the bedclothes!), and my right hand tucked under the pillow.  I tend to have the radio on, but that's not essential.  I always have the window open

Right, that's me done - enjoy your weeknd ... and, don't forget, we lose an hour's sleep tonight (if you are in the UK)

horses, palm sunday, shopping, you tube, daily meme, weekend

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