I Reversed My Morning!

Feb 20, 2021 09:34

Normally on a Saturday I go for a short walk to the shops then do "jobs around the house", before heading up too my computer!

However it's heavy rain here, so looks like I won't be off to the shops, not that I need anything anyway (I have tea-bags and milk ... what else do I need in my kitchen?)

So as they are re-running Sharpe on TV later this morning, thought I would do ironing, and baking while that is on in the background ... Sean Bean as Sharpe certainly makes housework easier!

So, before I finish off some icons I will post this with the double weekend questions -

20. What is sure to make you cry?
Thinking of Jiffy.
Ironically I have never really cried for Mum & Dad, which in itself I find hard. However I have shed, and still do, many a tear for my little man.

21. How does the weather effect your mood?
I suppose on a very hot muggy day (I love dry heat on holidays), I catch myself getting more short tempered, but that is only occasionally. Other than that, it's only on a day like today when I don't need to go out, and the weather doesn't prompt me to be pro-active.
Mum really got affected by grey days, whether raining or not, so I know people can really struggle.

sharpe, weather, housework, daily meme

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