Seasonal Spuffy #2

Nov 24, 2020 14:49

For this session of seasonal_spuffy I have also written a BtVS Season 7 story - but I warn you all now. It is totally un beta's, so if there are any mistakes please let me know ... sorry, in advance!

Chosen To Give Thanks )

fan-fic, spuffy, season 7

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thenewbuzwuzz December 6 2020, 09:52:53 UTC
"not that fighting the first evil wouldn’t be a contest, but for tonight that coming battle paled into insignificance to the conversation that she knew she wanted to have with one of the members of her extended household"
This sounds very true to the spirit of the show. :) Also, I can relate. Sometimes small or personal things loom the largest.

"After over 100 years he realised that he was at peace with himself"
yay <3

"He had no allusions that she would stay, as tonight may be the last day of the world; Spike knew that she would be spending time with her sister and the Scoobies. So he was thankful for these few crumbs that she was handing him."
Oh my god, well played! We know what's going to happen, but this really helps put it into perspective.

"Spike didn’t lose eye contact as he walked back to sit on the edge of his cot."
I like that visual.

"no one bled near enough"

"(*Oh no, not Peaches* thought Spike)"
Hee, that's adorably clueless of him...

"I want you to do one more thing for me. It should be easy as you have already done so much. Can you please forgive yourself?”
BAM. Love it.

“I know Pet, but thanks for saying it.”
Thank you for this new and improved version of the line! :))


debris4spike December 11 2020, 14:36:36 UTC
Huge THANK YOU - this has meant so much that you have been able to spot some of the links I wrote, and you enjoyed it

This means more than I can say


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