There is one advantage to being at home this morning - I was able to watch the Anniversary Service of the Burial of the Unknown Warrior 100 years ago this morning. Due to restrictions there were so few there (the Queen had been asked not to attend, and did her own private ceremony last week) - but despite everything, the day was not forgotten.
For those who don't know the history of the grave, then here is a link at the
National Army Museum link And, here is actual news footage -
Click to view
Now for me there is a true possibility of an actual link.
The Grenediar Guards escorted the coffin from the coast, to London; and the Coldstream Guards escorted him from the station to the Abbey. However the Commander in charge of this stage noted that the coffin needed more than its flag on it (there was a replica sword incorperated on the actual coffin itself. But he wanted a tin helmet and a webbing belt - something all of the soldiers had worn. Now, this is where it becomes family ... my dad told me, that his dad had told him that it was his kit on the coffin. There is no mention of name in the archives, which is as it should be, but maybe it was Granddad's (I never knew him, as he was mentally seriously ill by the time I was 4).
So, whoever the soldier was I knew my Grandfathers ... but I do know of distant relatives lost. Claire's great-grandfather was lost with no known grave ... so maybe it was him?!
Whoever he warrior was, people who are lost in war, leave family & friends ... and should never be forgotten.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.