Such An Appropriate Question For Today

May 10, 2019 11:58

12 What subject were you worse at at school?

LOL - on a day when I post art work, there are 2 answers to the question. My second worse subject was art. For one thing I am colourblind, which teachers found weird (in a day when our main medium was the basic 5 paint colours and a mixing palette), however, my art teacher also said that I found it impossible to draw a straight line, even using a ruler!

However, my worst subject, by far, which I actually had a teacher refuse to have me in her class I was so bad, was English.

So, yet again, I have to thank BtVS, Spike, Spuffy, and ultimately James for getting me writing, yes my first way to LJ was in writing an alternate end to BtVS, and ... as they say ... the rest is history. Sorry, Miss Bodmin, but I do enjoy writing (even if it's ages since I have done any.

Yep, English and Art teachers go and look at my 2 other journals, d4s_icons and d4s_fic

teachers, art, btvs, spuffy, english, school, spike, james, question meme

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