Snowflake Challenge 2019 Day 5

Jan 05, 2019 15:41

Day 5

In your own space, promote three communities, challenges, blogs, pages, Twitters, Tumblrs or platforms and explain why you love them. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

That's a bit hard as I haven't been so constantly on-line over the last year. However, here are goes -

1) Seasonal Spuffy ...

Run over on Dreamwidth, now, but cross-posted to LiveJournal. This is run for the love of Spuffy ... ie, Spike & Buffy from BtVS ... point to my icon! The first OTP that made me discover the life of fan-fiction, and LiveJournal.

2) The Dresden Files

Now I hate to say this one, as I really do not like FaceBook ... but, I will go there to see what is being posted. It is a closed group, but just a couple of questions to answer, and you can get to "chat" with other Dresden Files (by Jim Butcher) lovers.

3)  Photo Scavenger ... photo_scavenger

This is a site over on LiveJournal, and again a closed group  (however all you need to do is ask, and if you are a real person, you get to join).  The site  consists of a challenge per week to take a photo (for example this weeks challenge is "evening")

spuffy, dresden files, snowflake challenge, photos

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