More Of The 100

Mar 17, 2018 18:09

How did I do that? I am a week behind, so will catch up quickly ....

10. If you could have any hair colour what would it be?
I have always wanted to be brave enough to have a really lurid hair colour, but have never been brave enough.

11. Do you like nature documentaries?
No!  I know animals eat to survive, but I don't want to see it.  And I am phobic about insects ... so another reason.  However do like watching the protection programmes, etc.

12. What is your aesthetic?
Oooops, I had to look up the word - but am still no neaer.  I think the answer is that I like real life, but an assortment - I do not enjoy impressionism, or cubism, or whatever.  If I have the wrong answer, sorry.

13. When did you last pet a dog?
Just called Jiffy over!!

14. Whose friend’s parents do you like the most?
I have always got on with most of my friends parents ... although now they are gradually loosing them.  But have never had a favourite.

15. Have you ever been on a road trip?
When we were teens, as a family, we toured a lot of Europe.  I love travelling, and seeing new places (or some place again).

16. Tell me about someone you know called emma
I don't know an Emma

17. Are you reading a book in english class, what is it?
Too old for school (I left in 1979!), and stopped English in '77. The books I read for my O levels were Emma, by Jane Austin & 1984 by George Orwell. I also had to study early 20th century poetry, as well as "A Man For All Seasons" and "Henry IV, part I"

100 meme

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