Tower Hill, etc

Nov 29, 2017 12:23

I actually made use of "Black Friday" weekend this time .... having taken thousands of photos over the years, my friend Christine suggested that I did what she does ... print a few photos of each trip, celebration, so there are a few per year, with the rest still in cyberland. So managed to get quite a few photos printed at half price. So that will be a task at some point to get them in albums.

As I am off work still this week, I am managing to get a few photos of my London trip posted.

This first set is of around the Tower Hill area. I went to The Tower a couple of years back, but this time I was on my way to see HMS Belfast (photos in next set)

From near HMS Belfast - looking across to The Tower

Tower Bridge

Half way across!!  Yes, the bridge does lift up.

The outer wall of the Tower

Traitor's Gate

View of Tower Bridge from Traitor's Gate

Part of the Medieval War

Part of the Roman Wall

The Merchant Navy Memorial - one of my great Uncles was in the MN, and survived the war, despite being sunk twice.

Where the WWII names are listed

Tower Hill, itself.  Where the block was

holiday 2017, camera, history, photos, london

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