365 Meme Day 44 - 46

Feb 15, 2017 12:48

I told you I was all behind - so here is another catch-up

44 - How important do you think education is?

I have a degree as I trained to be an osteopath, my dad and one of my brothers did PhD's. However my mum left school early.

I do think a lot of people get a degree but then don't know what to do with it. So that seems a waste of 3-4 years to me.

I think education is something we can all do day by day as the years go along. However I do wish that people could be educated in manners from an early age!

45 - List five celebrities that you’re attracted to.

Cary Grant
Steve McQueen
Tom Hanks
... and James!

46 - What is your favorite movie? What is it about?

Actually I don't have a #1 favourite. It will change from day to day to day. Some of my super favourites are :-

The Sound of Music
Fiddler on the Roof
Operation Petticoat
White Christmas
You've Got Mail
Apollo 11


I am sure you know all these films, so not worth explaining them.

The list of 365 questions can be found here

365 meme, films, james, musicals

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