December Meme ... Day 21

Dec 21, 2016 15:37

Day 21 → your favourite websites this yearWell, it still is LJ! Even if I have been a bit MIA this year, I still love it, and miss it when I can't get too involved ( Read more... )

computers, lj, december meme, photos

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Comments 4

thenewbuzwuzz December 21 2016, 20:05:20 UTC
I love Livejournal, too! :D
And Wikipedia is crucial.


debris4spike December 24 2016, 21:10:47 UTC
There are certainly one or two good web sites out there, in the middle of everything else.


feliciacraft December 22 2016, 05:59:26 UTC
Out of curiosity, what do you usually look for on eBay?

(I limit my visits to eBay because otherwise I'd spend my entire paycheck there, and then some!) :D


debris4spike December 24 2016, 21:12:56 UTC
eBay great for DVDs, isn't it? However once I start looking it's easy to start browsing other catagories, isn't it?


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