As I said when I found
this meme I would be doing it, although maybe not each day. However the following day
teragramm started to "wake up" LJ, and so I am now using it to do an intro to those who don't me.
So for those who know me, you needn't read and get bored!
Hi - I'm Deborah, almost 55 and (now) living in Exeter, England. I work as an Auxilliary Nurse at the local large hospital. However until 5 years ago I worked as an osteopath in Bude, Cornwall, since the age of 22.
I am single and always have been. I like guys, but that is just my personal choice!!
The reason for the change of occupation was due to the fact my parents were getting older and needed me to live nearer. However for most of last year I cared for them both (although I worked a few hours here and there). My mum was a perfectionist, and until the last couple of years of her life she was a good friend. However age, encroaching blindness and illness made her even more jealous of my time than ever. (She always was a bit, in that I very rarely managed a weekend away from home). She died suddenly in September, and I am still trying to get to grips with it. The plan had been for me to move in with Dad, and work part-time. However the week after Mum's funeral he had a stroke. He then spent 6 weeks in hospital, and now lives in a super Care Home as his Alzheimer's got worse. However at 91, most of the time, he is looking relaxed and happy.
During those days I inherited their 9 year old Westie - Jiffy. He is learning to cope with my smaller house, and poor garden.
We are still sorting out Mum & Dad's house. They were hoarders, but there again, so am I!!
At present I am in week 7 of sick leave, of a viral chest infection. Although I work for the NHS, I am self-employed, so the bank balance isn't all that happy!! I suffer from a mild form of ME/CFS ... which is not helping me get over this virus. I was taken with this about 2 years ago ... so all in all I get very drained, very easily.
Anyway - me ....
My faith is very important to me. Hopefully people don't think I preach, but it is what I am ... a Christian. You will see bible-based posts, but always clearly labelled as such, so feel free to ignore.
I came to LJ via a later viewing of BtVS. LJ has done may things for me ... but mostly I am a James Marsters fan. I taught myself to make icons, and enjoy doing them for comps ... but can't get to grips with larger works. I have done some Spuffy fan-fics, but need to get back to that.
I love photography ... but tend to be lazy rather than doing "proper" stuff!!! I love travelling ... even if it's only "up the road" from me.
I love jigsaws, some reading (Spuffy fan-fic, especially), crochet/knitting. I enjoy watching/reading about history (but not to a very, very deep level). I love watching some old films, TV shows .... I like 50's musicals, Cary Grant, Doris Day, etc. However I also enjoy the Marx Bros and Will Hay films!!
I play clarinet, and until 2 years ago I played in an amateur orchestra, but have been lax, so need to get back to that!
Yes, I'm a hoarder of "everything" ... but especially things with emotional or special memories. But I also have loads of giraffes, of all sizes.
I was a horse rider/owner from the age of 35 to 50 ... hard work, but great fun.
I have 2 brothers, both of whom are married. One lives near me, the other near Bath and he has 4 teenage boys.
Well that's me ... You deserve a medal if you are still reading!!
I am aiming to get back to LJ more, as over the last couple of years I have had to be more absent than I used to be. At least this LJ-push has really pushed me as well.