Mar 04, 2008 08:05
Prepare to see more of these types of posts as the time between now and FSG begins to less and less resemble infinity.
We need the following stuff:
We need:
Tables (the foldy kind that are easy to transport)
Coffee Mugs
Small plates
Chairs (lawn chairs and camp chairs)
A small bookcase
Something to put games in so people can grab them to play
Old games (do NOT volunteer your games that you expect to bring home intact. Dice and cards will be lost, cards and boards and other peripherals will get wet, coffee and other consumables will be spilled -- expect this to happen)
Ok folks this is stuff you are giving to us -- not lending. Tables will break, mugs and plates will too or they will walk off as someone walks down the hill with their coffee in hand and just forgets to bring it back. Chairs will break, rugs, blankets and pillows WILL get too dirty to be cleaned. Also keeping track of what belongs to whom is too complex for us to want to deal with. So we are asking for gifts -- not loans. However if you have any of this stuff and want to give it to us, we will gratefully accept it and maybe even shoot you a free cuppa joe at FSG.
celestial stag,
coffee house