Approximate number of people detained at Guantánamo since January 11, 2002: 775
Number of detainees who remain at Guantánamo as of December 1, 2007: 305
Detainees who have died in custody: 4
Age when captured of Yasser Talal Al Zahrani, one of those prisoners who allegedly committed suicide: 16
Incentive offered villagers for turning someone in: “Millions of dollars… Enough money to take care of your family, your village, your tribe for the rest of your life.”
Percentage of Guantánamo detainees turned over to Coalition forces by an Afghan or Pakistani citizen: 86
Years that teenager OMAR KHADR has been held at Guantánamo: 5
Age when he arrived: 15
Amount of Khadr’s life he has been held in Guantánamo: 1/4
Youngest known prisoner held at Guantánamo: 13
Age of the oldest known prisoner: 98
Number of detainees released: 470
Percentage of detainees determined not to have committed any hostile acts
against the U.S. or its allies: 55
Percentage of Guantánamo detainees actually captured by the U.S.: 5
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