Nearly 4PM! How did that happen? The bedlinen only just got into the washing machine so at this rate I'm going to run out of sunshine to line dry it.
My own fault of course; I was up late, pottered around, made breakfast then had to go into Sudbury to see my father and to do some shopping. En route to Sudbury I stopped in Lavenham, then again in Sudbury town Centre ( Dad lives at the far side of the town) then stayed longer than planned drinking coffee and chatting and then I had to go to Tescos and got distracted by the national air guitar record attempt.
However for once I had made a shopping list and stuck to it so points for me on that front!
The shopping is now away which is of the good. And I've filled one of the big blue glass bowls and the big blue and white Chinese bowl with oranges and lemons and they are pleasing both to the eye and the nose.
Numfar has inspected her provisions for the week and deemed them satisfactory; also good.
The Boy is off out somewhere so the house is quiet which is rather lovely and I did my usual Friday evening get ahead with the housework session so , though I really should get the big hoover out, the place isn't too shameful.
I'm pondering on getting a skip this autumn; The sheds and garages contain many things which are neither use nor ornament and there are things lurking in cupboards which, quite frankly, are just taking up space. The Boy is resistant to the skip idea, saying we could just use the trailer and the Landrover but honestly, a skip is so much easier as , once it's full, someone does the taking away and recycling;
Oh dear, pause to phone the pub; there's a parrot in the garden and it's probably theirs; It would find it's own way home but we've got Buzzards and Kestrels not to mention the feral kitty and her brood so the danger level is quite substantial.
I need to sit and read the candidate manifestos for the Labour Leadership election; I've decided on Deputy which is something but the candidate for Leader who has my heart does not have my head and the others have neither.
Also rumblings suggest that The Department of Business Innovation and Skills think that almost all of the 40% cuts demanded by the government can be found by killing off Adult and Community Learning; My response to this is pretty much un printable .
Signed up for four more Open Learn courses, the topics are Sustainability, Leadership and Management, Nutrition, and The Archaeology of Hadrian's Wall... what can I say? I have an omnivorous approach to the acquisition of knowledge. But first I have some CPD to do for work; I need to refresh on The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Then there are five modules about AQA Web ABS ( the new computerised learner enrollment, tracking and management system which I need to be able to navigate by September 1st). I could get some of that done today but I spent two very intense days last week getting my Safeguarding Leads training renewed and then had to fit the work I would normally have been doing into the evenings so this weekend I'm giving my brain a rest. And, once again I ducked out of updating my teaching quals. I simply couldn't take a full week out from work to do the intensive CET course.
Right; There Are things which I should be doing and so I had best go and do them.
Happy what's left of Saturday all!
ETA I love the internet hive mind! My Dyson handheld kept cutting out and was driving me nuts! I'd followed the handbook and must have had the cleanest filters in the kingdom but still no joy. Today I was pondering if, after two years of overworking the poor thing, I'd actually killed it. Then I decided to consult Google. "Dyson DC34 animal cutting out" sent me straight to a youtube video which told me how to take apart a section I didn't know came apart and use a cotton bud to clean two sets of terminals then basically poke a screwdriver under one set and hoick them up a bit. Five minutes work and the Dyson is Dysoning with aplomb!