an ordinary day becomes a holiday when i'm with you<3

Feb 07, 2006 02:21

wow, i am so freakin confused, i think i have lost all my desire for hopeless romanticism!

like mike, amazing super guy! can't stop thinking bout him.
but to be honest, i have no idea whats going through that guys head, we're going for coffee on thursday though! which is something to look forward to! i look forward to thursday all together! end of classes, coffee with mike, pub night! and it's the beginning of our reading week!

i don't understand guys, it's so hot and cold. one minute they can't get enough of you! the next its like they second guess everything there is to you!
I don't understand..
I think my problem is i see his pictures and they are all of BEAUTIFUL girls. and i think, well if he can befriend girls like that why on god's earth would he want me? I guess it's one of those questions ill never be able to answer.
I'm also afriad that I'm getting myself in too deep, which infact, could hurt me in the long run!

It's one of those situations where you either loose really hard, or you gain so much! there is no happy medium.
Maybe, I'm sick of not taking risks! My heart is too fragile but at the same time, it's not going to get any better if I play it safe.
I figure, Mike's worth the risk. *blushes*

I've been thinking about emailing Jess lately! I don't really think she's deserving of an appology! but at the same time I want her to know that I am not going to hold it against her for the rest of my life. I'm sure she'd feel comforted to hear that.
I figure, every love story involves someone getting hurt. Just so happens I was the one that the main character leaves to get the "better" girl!
I'm glad Mitch went to her, It really proved to me somethings that I probably would have missed else wise.
Fuckin CANADA got kicked off the Bachelor tonight! i was soo madd !!!!
Sarah from Tennesse better win ! or else, that shows a joke ! freakin joke !!!!
Am Idol.. and that sweet ass show me and Danielle decided to call Double D (because we didn't know the name and both of us are so obsessed) get it.. Debbie and Danielle.. Double D! so creative.

I have my car on campus, it's so much fun! we took a road trip to WALMART today! it was fun !
I need to buckle down to school work. I'm such a slacker.
I do hate spanish though!!!

It's getting late ! I bought the cutest card for Matty today for Valentine's Day:) I'm sending via MAIL !
old school way ! I got incredibles vday cards, they are super cute !

My head hurts from thinking bout Mike! I wish it was bluntly obvious what he was thinking!
I guess playing hard to get, or playing little miss inconsitant really isn't getting me anywhere !!
I actually went to bed with a smile on my face the other night, it was a change, Felt amazing:)

Until we meet again darling,
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