Jul 03, 2013 22:10
the constant wear and tear of being stretched so taut is really taking a toll on me mentally and physically. due to extensive excercise and lack of appetite i have lost fifteen pounds. i intend to lose more but not due to lack of appetite. i believe this loss of something so importnant in a daily routine is due to dealing with more than i can chew. try as i might i can't be everywhere at once, nor with everyone at once. i am trying desperately to please everyone and be at all of their important shindigs for lack of a better word. please forgive me if i seem wired, its just fitfulness of sleep, lack of anything nutritional in my stomach, and a support system slowly but surely crumbling down.
i need a rock, not just a crutch, to lean on for if everyone is leaning on me how am i supposed to stand?