Jun 13, 2008 10:51
So lately, I have been going beekeeping. It is going well. I am almost sure that I was stung by a bee as a child, and so am probably not allergic to bees. I should ask my mom about that though, because I am ALMOST sure. It's pretty neat...bees are amazing creatures.
Also, today is a gorgeous, real summer day (at last!). This means that the bees will be able to go out and about and collect their nectar. See, bees don't like to go out unless it is at least 12 degrees C and not raining. We've been having such crappy weather lately, that we came on many hives yesterday that had simply starved to death. Usually, I think, by this time of year, you don't usually have to feed them...they can feed themselves. But the unseasonable weather kinda wreaks havoc. The other thing I learned is that the next big bloom is blackberries. But in order for the flowers to have nectar flowing, we need a bunch of days where it is at least 18 degrees C. Otherwise, there won't be nectar for the bees to collect.
Also, I've confirmed that I do not, in fact, usually suffer from hay fever. Why? Because yesterday, in a particularly pollen-y bee yard, I had my first sneezeful experience! So now, I am clear on what exactly hay fever is. And that probably, I had not had it until yesterday.
I also went for an interview at Wildfire today...I have a trial shift on tuesday, so hopefully that will go well, and I'll get to work there! It's part time, and will mesh very nicely with a few days of work a week at the honey farm, if all goes well.
Anyway, things are looking up! I love having jobs that I am actually interested in. Always a plus.