Feb 02, 2007 00:39
The Domiknitrix says, Purl, minion!
I really want to put in the markers in my hat right now, but I should probably go to bed instead. PROBABLY.
I thought i toasted my reed in orchestra today, but surprise, turned out in the quintet rehearsal we had later that it was fine. Therefore, it was the way i was playing in orchestra that made it sound wimpy and used up rather than the reed itself. Question: how was i playing then, to make it sound bad? Answer: likely with lots of sloppy, unfocused air, because I cannot hear myself at all, and all the music we played today was loud loud LOUD!
So ha! you're not off the hook yet, reed!
Today I recieved in the mail a combination flask/reed case. It's pretty dope.
I haven't decided yet whether it will be the bad reed dungeon/purgatory for those who have not yet proven worthy, or a place of enshrinement for good reeds, excellent reeds, and reeds who were once great, but now play in another realm.
I'm leaning towards shrine; however, I have a way of misplacing things that contain liquor. Perhaps I will fill it with polyjuice potion instead...