Feb 11, 2005 22:09
Between a Rock and a Hard Pain
i woke up @ 6:29. am? pm? friday? saturday? i had no idea, to be honest. all i know is my last memory was collapsing in the bathroom after vomiting the last drop of life from my body.
tuesday: minor brief pains around abdomen and back.
wednesday: more pains, more places.
thursaday: sitting in 1st period became too uncomfortable. went to nurse expecting a tylenol. described pain. w/o hesitation, SHE strongly suggested i leave school and see a doctor immediately. so i left, pain was getting bad by the time i got home. saw doctor @ 4pm thursday. "kidney stone, i think."
oh no. i went thru this 8 months ago and i'm not ready to do it again. pain pills @9. little relief. went to sleep around midnight. woke up an hour later- confirmed kidney stone. drove & "walked" into ER. 15 mins later i'm in a hospital gown gripping the sheets. the next 12 hours were just a blast. the 1st medicine did nothing. at least 3 hrs after start of pain, i finally get the good stuff. straight morphine. goodness, that's a rush. but it takes care of business. over the next half hour, the pain faded to nothing.
throw a catscan somewhere in there... and an "involuntary stomach empty." took the medicine for my infection that the stone caused. stopped by the ER RR on the way out for another "empty"... losing the medicine i'd just taken. got home, lost some more stomach. came in, repeat process. and finally, some 10 vomits later, i pass out on the floor, unable to move. no idea when that was. i still don't see how on earth it is friday night. i somehow fit what seemed like an entire week in just 2 nights. anyway, i woke up w/ just enough strength to relocate from the floor to my bed, which made me nauseated (just from moving), and where i quickly lost consiousness again. the phone woke me up about 10 times while i was asleep, but rather than answer i rolled over and ignored it. finally, @ 6:29, pm, on friday, i woke up. the last thing i remembered was collapsing in the bathroom after vomiting the last drop of life from my body.
here i am, 4 hours and 1 shower later. full stomach, full recovery. had a good time playing 42 & eating @ my grandmother's house w/ the whole family. no more medicine until tomorrow morning. maybe w/ a more stable situation, the medicine won't succeed in cleaning out my stomach again. good news is that i only have to take 4 more over 4 days. and get this, they gave me a prescription to stop the vomiting that the antiobiotic will cause. hm... guess they couldn't consider that maybe the antibiotic doesn't get along w/ me all that well. if they didn't have morphine, i'd despise the ER staff.
have a nice day!