Sep 11, 2004 23:58
the other day someone mentioned something about the original Nintendo. hey, i have one of those. i spent an hour in the attic today (which was, to my amazement, ALMOST sub-boiling). pulled out the good old NES & box of cartridges. ahh, my entire childhood revisited me. it was a beautiful moment. plugged it in (no video/audio inputs... just one cable/antenna plug). i was in tears at one point. well, you know what the rest of my saturday was well-spent doing. bonding w/the game i was brought up on... can you hear that Super Mario Bros tune in your head yet? if you can't, you are neither alien or human, you are taking up space, get out now! it was a wonderful day. i havent been on the computer for about a week now... i'm not sure what happened, guess you just get bored w/ anything after awhile. or maybe it's just becuz i have several deadlines to meet that are business & school related, and i've been forced to use the computer for work, which as you know is illegal in my world. well, posting was overdue, and wouldn't ya know it, i'm on 5 mins and i need to go already. my webpage projects are dragging along @ the speed of a crippled snail. sorry bout that, but i'm tryin to get some hit-worthy content on there. be lookin around for pictures of anyone & anything for my most important page coming... a submitted art/photography page (you send, i post). i also need any pics you may have of me (from any time) for my full-lenth bio page. so much to write, i finally post and don't have enough time for everything. that's alright, more for next time. have a good weekend & save a piece for me.