Feb 01, 2006 17:25
I've been away from here long enough... geez...
So I've been concentrating on creating my weight-loss website... Been in Weight Watchers since November and am determined to go all the way! (Yea, this is a different "all the way"...)
It's been an interesting and educational journey, the last 12 weeks... And while I'm not as far as I would like to be in regards to weight-loss, I feel 50 times healther than I did back in November... Healthier physically and emotionally!
I've been holding off on a weight-loss blog 'cause I don't really wanna have that here... but I already have a MySpace page and started a 360 Yahoo one... CRIPES... I want just ONE place for all this stuff... too many things to keep track of!
I'm gonna keep LJ 'cause some of the coolest people in the world use this medium... I'm gonna try to feed this journal into my MySpace and 360 accounts (although I'm not sure how to do that)...
That means I'll be blogging about my weight-loss trek on my new website... It's just a freewebs site with the basic templates they offer but it's a start. I have my own web address (thanks, David D!) and now it's a matter of tranferring what I already have to my own custom page... I usually avoid projects like this 'cause I'm so concerned about it looking "right" or being the "best"... Screw that. I'm gonna do what I like, what makes me happy.
I'm not gonna post the website address here - partly 'cause it's a work in progress and partly 'cause I'm really embarassed for people to see my starting weight. I have a milestone weight in mind... When I reach that point, I'll post the web address. Right now, the only folks with access to it are on the Weight Watchers boards and they're all in the same boat as me in regards to losing weight...
The only new news at this point is that I've joined a madrigal group... So now David and I are members of the Piping Rock Singers... We perform in Renaissance costume with two major concerts a year (I think) and various other gigs... I'm really looking forward to this because I've always loved madrigals, counterpoint and a cappella singing with cool harmonies...
Work sucks, of course... I'm actually having to work (damn their eyes!) and am logging 60-65 billable hours a week... Not my idea of the perfect job. David is flying out East this weekend to audition for a show. If he gets it and moves out there, I'm very seriously considering asking for a transfer to our Dallas office. It won't really change much in the way of my job but with Dennis moving back to New York and Wen going part-time, I'm gonna be left carrying a load I do not want. Plus, in Dallas I'd be close to Don & Hilary... That would be fabulous!
Alright... I'm filling in over at First United Methodist this month and I need to leave for rehearsal in a couple minutes... I think I get paid there tonight! Also, Todd will be paying me for filling in for him last night and this coming Friday... Gotta love the singing moola!