I'm not goin'... and you can't make me!

Oct 04, 2005 18:38

They're asking me to come up to Chicago to work on this Lotus Notes email thingie... They wanted me to fly up this week but geeez... I don't wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! (those who know me, know what that whine sounds like)... I'm very close to being Silver elite class on Continental 'cause of all the flying I've done this year... In fact, a trip to Chicago would put me over... I could probably even finagle staying at the W while I'm up there... Of course, I have NO IDEA how to do what they want me to do! I mean, I have an idea... but geez louise... It's not like I KNOW and I can just recreate something... I'd have to do some mighty quick self-training... And even then there's no guarantee.

Anywho... I'm just waitin' for David to get his act together so we can go get some food... Looks like it's Barry's pizza tonight... Weeeeeeeeee! After that, I'm gonna come home and GO TO BED. Our water is out AGAIN... And until 6 AM they say... Whatevuh.

I have this silly idea that I have to have something important to "say" to write in here... Or that it has to be of a certain length... or of a certain profundity... Screw that. Now I'm gonna write SOMETHING every time I log into LJ. That's a promise to myself!
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