Jun 18, 2015 23:52
Dear Crossovering writer,
First, let me thank you for writing for me. I want you to have fun and not stress - I'm sure that I'll love whatever you come up with. That said, you're probably looking for some guidance. I'll try not to be too restrictive.
First, I'll get the do-not-wants out of the way. For this exchange: Character death, non-con, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, coffee shop/band/etc type A/Us, most kinks other than some mild bondage.
And some random things I like: Snarky characters, physical or mental h/c, humor (most of my requests for this are at least a little cracky). I prefer crossovers to fusions. For this exchange, I'm more interested in gen than in shipping, although I'm fine with canon background pairings.
On to the specifics!
Request #1: Castle/Stargate Atlantis/Big Bang Theory
I've always wanted to see Castle crossed with SGA. The idea of Castle with the ATA gene running around touching things and getting into trouble (with McKay having a screaming fit?) sounds like so much fun. So many ideas here - a wraith loose in NYC, Beckett being related to Dr. Beckett? Most interested in Castle and Kate, but if you want to make up a gate team feel free to drag Espo and Kevin (or Laine) along for the ride.
Would also love to see TBBT crossed with SGA. It should be relatively easy to get scientists enlisted to the gate program, but it's liable to be a disaster once they're there. My favorite is Sheldon (again, the reaction from McKay!) but feel free to use any/all of the gang.
As to crossing Castle with TBBT - perhaps one of the guys witnesses a murder? Or is accused of a murder? Or the latest murder has a scientific twist and they need to consult?
Request #2: Boston Legal/Star Trek/Castle
I love the idea of a transporter malfunction/space warp/whatever swapping Denny Crane and Kirk. Even better if Denny has to pretend to be Kirk in front of the Klingons. If you want to address Kirk being stuck in Boston and Alan thinking “Denny” has gone totally off the rails, too, feel free to go for it. Note that I'm equally okay with Denny and Alan as bromance or slash.
Despite what canon has come up with regarding Castle's father, since the first season my personal “fanon” has been that Denny Crane is actually his dad. If you want to ignore canon or write a fix-it, that's fine - or if you're not interested in that, Denny and Alan could be defending one of Castle's perps.
As to Castle and Star Trek - I'm fine with anything that brings aliens (Vulcans? Ferengi?) to Earth, and Castle discovering that they're real. I'm familiar with TOS, Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager.
Request #3: Mayhem/Battle Creek/Flo
Mayhem and Russ, identical twins. Separated at birth or grew up together, your choice. Maybe Milt running into Mayhem? BTW, I personally don't slash Russ and Milt.
Flo could also mistake Russ for Mayhem - or maybe she arrives to insure that s###box of a car he drives.
And there's no end to the adventures Flo and Mayhem could get into together. Zombie apocalypse? Or maybe it wasn't an apocalypse until THEY got there. :)
I hope I've given you some ideas, but if your muse goes in a different direction, follow it and see where it leads! Mostly, just have fun, and thank you again!