Dear Chocolate Box Writer

Jan 07, 2021 19:52

Thank you for offering one of my fandoms. Hopefully if you need it, you'll find some inspiration below, but if you have an idea of your own, go for it!

Likes and DNWs are listed by fandom.


Caitlin O'Shannessy/Michael Coldsmith Briggs III
Caitlin O'Shannessy & Michael Coldsmith Briggs III

In canon, Michael has been blown up, tortured, brainwashed and drugged into attempting to kill his superior, all within the span of three years. That's got to leave a few demons, particularly ones that he's really not in a position where he can admit to them. PTSD? Nightmares? Perhaps some seriously unhealthy coping mechanisms? Caitlin's been through some things herself, including having a bomb strapped to her. I could easily see her picking up on there being something wrong with Michael. I'd love any sort of take on that, from a gen version up to and including kink (bondage, blood play, pain play?)

I'd also be up for any of the usual “get together” type tropes. Undercover as a couple? Trapped in a snowstorm? Etc. Or simple PWP.

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, physical or mental h/c, PWP, gen, humor, adventure, women or other characters who are usually in need of rescue turning the tables and being the hero. Note that I'm fine with dub-con and I'm also okay with gore, violence and secondary character deaths.

DNWs for this fandom: unrequested pairings involving either Michael or Caitlin, main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, AUs other than canon divergent. Bodily fluids other than come, sweat or blood.

Crossover Fandoms

Rodney McKay (SGA) & Sheldon Cooper (TBBT)

I'd love to see Sheldon on Atlantis, preferably arguing with McKay, but another alternative would be McKay and Sheldon attending (or both speaking at) the same lecture. Put Sheldon in the lab, checking McKay's work, or put him on a gate team (where he would undoubtedly complain more than McKay), or nearly coming to blows at a lecture.

Prefer canon pairings (if any) for TBBT, anything goes with SGA. If you'd like to include other characters from either SGA or TBBT, that's fine.

Likes for these fandoms: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack.

DNWs for these fandoms: main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, AUs other than canon divergent and the requested crossover.  A focus on sex or relationships. (No objection to background pairings).  Also main character death, genderswap, mpreg/fpreg, A/Us other than the obvious crossovers or canon divergent.

Boston Legal

Alan Shore & Denny Crane

Alan Shore/Denny Crane

I would love to see more of Denny and Alan post-series. In particular, if you're up for it, how about the two of them dealing with (and probably on different sides) of the recent election. (Something set before/the night of/after the election would be great! I am equally okay with the relationship between them being portrayed as either slash or bromance.

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack. Denny being outrageous.

DNWs for this fandom: main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, AUs other than canon divergent. Romance is fine, but I'd prefer nothing explicit for this fandom. Please no stories of Denny's decline due to “Mad Cow” - I prefer to believe that the experimental treatment worked.

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