Dear Fic in a Box creator

Aug 29, 2020 22:10

Dear Fic in a Box creator,

Thank you for offering one of my fandoms. Hopefully if you need it, you'll find some inspiration below, but if you have an idea of your own, go for it!

Likes and DNWs are listed by fandom.


Michael & Caitlin


In canon, Michael has been blown up, tortured, brainwashed and drugged into attempting to kill his superior, all within the span of three years. That's got to leave a few demons, particularly ones that he's really not in a position where he can admit to them. PTSD? Nightmares? Perhaps some seriously unhealthy coping mechanisms? Caitlin's been through some things herself, including having a bomb strapped to her. I could easily see her picking up on there being something wrong with Michael. I'd love any sort of take on that, from a gen version up to and including kink (bondage, blood play, pain play?)

I'd also be up for any of the usual “get together” type tropes. Undercover as a couple? Trapped in a snowstorm? Etc.

If that's not your thing, how about some sort of fix-it fic for the way Michael is “transferred” and Caitlin simply disappears at the end of the third season? Any rating is fine. (If you choose to go this route, I'm okay with Dom and/or String being killed.)

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, physical or mental h/c, PWP, gen, humor,  adventure, women or other characters who are usually in need of rescue turning the tables and being the hero. Note that I'm fine with dub-con and I'm also okay with gore, violence and secondary character deaths.

DNWs for this fandom: unrequested pairings involving either Michael or Caitlin, main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic,  AUs other than canon divergent. Bodily fluids other than come, sweat or blood.


Officers of Exploratory-class Cube #347


Chances are you're not familiar with Borgspace, so I'll copy over my promo post:

I'd start here with season 1 -

The premise of Borgspace is that when various entities are assimilated, sometimes it doesn't quite work, and the (victims?) retain a bit of their individuality. The Borg queen doesn't want to waste these drones, but also doesn't want them to "infect" the rest of the collective, so she assigned them all to one cube and sent them off to the far reaches of the galaxy where they (supposedly) can't cause too much harm.

Various episodes have them dealing with everything from a thinly disguised UPS to religious zealots and the Galactic Wrestling Federation.

You don't need to read all of it to "get" who the main characters are, and how their world operates.

I'd love to see 'more' of Borgspace, whether it be the officers dealing with yet another odd situation, or just some more eccentric crew members.

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack (crack either taken seriously or not.)

DNWs for this fandom: The original Borgspace is definitely Gen (at least as far as the assimilated are concerned) and I'd like anything you create to also be Gen. (A higher rating for violence/adult themes is fine.) Also DNW main character (by which I mean the officers) death/s or setting change A/Us.

Crossover Fandom (The Big Bang Theory and Stargate Atlantis)

Sheldon & Rodney

Sheldon & Atlantis Expedition Members

Sheldon & Raj & Leonard & Howard & Penny in SGA

I'd love to see Sheldon on Atlantis, with or without his friends, probably arguing with McKay. Put Sheldon in the lab, checking McKay's work, or put him on a gate team (where he would undoubtedly complain more than McKay), or nearly coming to blows in the lab.

Prefer canon pairings or Sheldon/Penny (if any) for TBBT, anything goes with SGA. I am mostly interested in Sheldon from TBBT, but I have no problem with the other guys also being on Atlantis, and as scientists they'd be easy to include. If you'd like to add Penny, perhaps she's there to (try to) keep the peace? Maybe she has the Ancient gene?

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack.

DNWs for this fandom: A focus on sex or relationships. (No objection to background pairings).  Also main character death, genderswap, mpreg/fpreg, A/Us other than the obvious crossover or canon divergent.

Progressive BundleOverdrive3 Commercial

Flo & Jamie



Mostly, I want the movie (or scenes from it.) Just tell me where they've been, and what they've been doing. Tell me about any of the characters from the closing credits. Go wild! (I'm fine with either & or / between Flo and Jamie.)

Likes for this fandom: Adventure! Humor up to and including crack!

DNWs for this fandom: main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic,  AUs other than canon divergent. Bodily fluids other than come, sweat or blood. PWP (some porn is fine, but I'd prefer something mainly plot based.)

In summary, regardless of which fandom you're here for, have fun writing and don't stress too much. I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with! Thanks again!

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