First, let me thank you for writing for one of my fandoms. Second, I'm going to be up front that I've made most of these requests before in various exchanges, and have received some great stories. However, I'm of the opinion that there can never be too much fic, and I'd love to see additional takes on my requests. As such, if nothing here speaks to you, feel free to read any of my past exchange letters for these fandoms. Anything I've ever requested for them is still relevant to my interests, so if an old prompt speaks to you, go with it. I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with!
- Caitlin O'Shannessy
- Michael Coldsmith Briggs III
In canon, Michael has been blown up, tortured, brainwashed and drugged into attempting to kill his superior, all within the span of three years. That's got to leave a few demons, particularly ones that he's really not in a position where he can admit to them. PTSD? Nightmares? Perhaps some seriously unhealthy coping mechanisms? Caitlin's been through some things herself, including having a bomb strapped to her. I could easily see her picking up on there being something wrong with Michael. I'd love any sort of take on that, from a gen version up to and including kink (bondage, blood play, pain play?)
If that's not your thing, how about some sort of fix-it fic or explanation for the way Michael is “transferred” and Caitlin simply disappears at the end of the third season? Any rating is fine, and feel free to deal with String and Dom as desired (whether they survived or not is up to you.)
I'd also be happy with something explicit for this fandom, including PWP.
Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, physical or mental h/c, PWP, gen, humor, canon divergence, character studies, adventure, women or other characters who are usually in need of rescue turning the tables and being the hero. Note that I'm fine with dub-con and I'm also okay with gore, violence and secondary character deaths.
DNWs for this fandom: Pairing either Caitlin or Michael with anyone else, requested character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, setting change (ie, coffee shop) AUs. Also no scat or watersports, please.
- State Farm "She Shed" Commercial
- Cheryl (State Farm She Shed)
- Victor (State Farm She Shed)
There are various videos on youtube dissecting this commercial, and the prevailing theory is that the husband torched the shed. Going with that theory, why did he burn down her shed? Did she do something to his man-cave? Is she ignoring him in favor of arts and crafts? Do they just hate one another?
For this fandom, I'd love to see a "war" between the two, with an increasing level of malice and/or destruction. Feel free to take it in either a humorous or serious direction. Pretty much anything goes, up to and including burning the house down or hiring a hitman to take out the spouse.
DNWs for this fandom: harm to animals, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, setting change (ie, coffee shop) AUs.
- John Nolan (The Rookie)
- Lucy Chen (The Rookie)
- Tim Bradford
I picked what I felt were three of the more interesting characters in the series, but if you'd like to concentrate on Nolan, that's fine. I'm not really looking for a relationship story, but I don't object to background pairings.
Some various ideas - Nolan gets paired with Bradford for a day? Maybe it goes well, maybe it doesn't? Nolan backing up Chen and Bradford at a crime scene? Someone (maybe one of the officers, either someone I requested or one of the others) is held hostage? Maybe they all get called in to provide support (or protection) for a parade for an unusual cause, or a really "out there" 3rd party candidate? If you want to go really wild, maybe there's an alien spaceship or a zombie apocalypse?
One totally optional crossover idea, just in case the idea interests you. How about a crossover with Castle? Either Nolan keeps getting mistaken for look-alike Castle (probably much to the amusement of his fellow officers), or, Nolan actually is Castle, and is in the witness protection program (meaning his supposed background is totally made up). If you should decide to go this route, deal with Beckett however you'd like.
Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, gen, humor, canon divergence, character studies, adventure, case fic. I'm also okay with gore, violence or rape of non-canon characters (as needed for case type fic.)
DNWs for this fandom: Explicit fic, focus on romance, death of canon characters (references to canon deaths are fine), rape of/by canon characters, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, setting change (ie, coffee shop) AUs.
In summary, regardless of which fandom you're here for, have fun writing and don't stress too much. I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with! Thanks again!