Dear Shipoween Author

Sep 17, 2019 23:07

Dear Shipoween Author:

First, let me thank you for writing for one of my fandoms. Second, I'm going to be up front that I've made most of these requests before in various exchanges, and have received some great stories. However, I'm of the opinion that there can never be too much fic, and I'd love to see additional takes on my requests.  As such, if nothing here speaks to you, feel free to read any of my past exchange letters for these fandoms. Anything I've ever requested for them is still relevant to my interests, so if an old prompt speaks to you, go with it. I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with!


requested pairings:


Michael & Caitlin

Michael & or / Caitlin: In canon, Michael has been blown up, tortured, brainwashed and drugged into attempting to kill his superior, all within the span of three years. That's got to leave a few demons, particularly ones that he's really not in a position where he can admit to them. PTSD? Nightmares? Perhaps some seriously unhealthy coping mechanisms? Caitlin's been through some things herself, including having a bomb strapped to her. I could easily see her picking up on there being something wrong with Michael. I'd love any sort of take on that, from a gen version up to and including kink (bondage, blood play, pain play?) Dark fic is more than welcome.

If that's not your thing, how about some sort of fix-it fic for the way Michael is “transferred” and Caitlin simply disappears at the end of the third season? Any rating is fine.

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, physical or mental h/c, PWP, gen, humor, character studies, adventure, women or other characters who are usually in need of rescue turning the tables and being the hero. Note that I'm fine with dub-con and I'm also okay with gore, violence and secondary character deaths.

DNWs for this fandom: unrequested pairings involving requested characters, main character death, rape, a/b/o, genderswap, male or female pregnancy, kid fic, curtain fic, setting change (ie, coffee shop) AUs. Also no scat or watersports, please.

Crossover Fandoms

requested pairings:

Rodney McKay (SGA) & Sheldon Cooper (TBBT)

Rodney McKay (SGA) & Rick Castle (Castle)

Mayhem (insurance) & Russ Agnew (Battle Creek)

Mayhem &Russ: Twins separated at birth? Random people who look alike? Russ having to clean up Mayhem's messes? Milt not being able to tell them apart? Holly not being able to tell them apart?

Rodney & Sheldon: What I really want is to see is Sheldon on Atlantis, preferably arguing with McKay, but I'd be very happy with you including any of the other TBBT regulars, or any other SGA people. Put Sheldon in the lab, checking McKay's work, or put him on a gate team (where he would undoubtedly complain more than McKay), or whatever works for you.

Prefer canon pairings (if any) for TBBT, anything goes with SGA.

Rodney & Castle: Castle has the ancient gene and gets recruited to Atlantis, where of course he goes around touching things with unpredictable results. If you're at a loss for a way to set this up, perhaps Kate Beckett's uncle Carson visits, and Castle activates some piece of equipment he has with him? Kate might accompany him to Atlantis as a “handler” in hopes of keeping him in check.

Feel free to set a story either before or after Castle and Beckett become a couple. Also, add any background pairings from SGA that you prefer.

Likes for these fandoms: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack.

Basic DNWs:
For these fandoms, a focus on sex or relationships unless otherwise noted. Also main character death, genderswap, mpreg/fpreg, A/Us other than the obvious crossover fandoms or canon divergent.

Stargate Atlantis

requested pairings:

John Sheppard & Rodney McKay & Todd

John Sheppard & Todd

Rodney McKay & Todd

John & Rodney & Teyla & Dex

For any of the Todd pairings: I'd like to believe that Jennifer and Carson eventually find a way to eliminate the need for the Wraith to feed on human life force, because I'd love to see Todd as a true ally. If you want to go that route, perhaps a future in which Todd is working with John and/or Rodney as part of a gate team? Or something a bit more light hearted in which they're introducing him to human foods? Maybe he loves lemon, much to Rodney's dismay?

Team fic: Something post-series, with Atlantis making it back to Pegasus - but then things go very wrong? Maybe they're cut off from Earth? Maybe the Earth is destroyed? Maybe the Wraith have completely taken over Pegasus while they were gone? Maybe they find a “cure” for the Wraith that has the side effect of turning them into blood sucking vampires rather than life sucking ones? If you'd rather write something lighter, maybe Halloween comes to Pegasus, or some sort of fall harvest celebration on a planet? Maybe a celebration that goes sideways (unexpected reaction to local food or drink? Unknowingly failed to follow a local custom?)

Likes for this fandom: snarky characters, humor up to and including crack. I'm equally okay with dark fic.

Basic DNWs:
A  focus on sex or relationships (background mentions of relationships are fine, but would rather not receive a relationship based story.). Also main character death, genderswap, mpreg/fpreg, A/Us other than canon divergent.

I hope you've found some of this of help. Thanks again for writing for me!

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