ive got a passion for fashion

Mar 27, 2006 13:48

look at my mood. i really like how all i did was move the mouse around and it randomly landed on that one even tho i wasnt looking at it. lmao. im dumb

b e s t

1. Male friend: danny, chris
2. Female friend: brandee, paola, karen
3. Vacation: i guess orlando
4. Memory: as of right now, this past saturday
5. Day of the week: fri/sat

l a s t

1. Person you saw: some of my dads workermen
2. Talked to on the phone: my mommie
3. Hugged: brandee
4. Text messaged: brandee

t o d a y

1. What are you doing now: sitting at work, watching tv and wanting to pee
2. What are you doing tonight?: homework or hanging out with danny
3. What are you wearing right now?: socks
4. What did you eat for lunch: chicken cesar wraps
5. Better than yesterday?: no

t o m o r r o w

1. Is: tuesday
2. Got any plans: school and work and sleep
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: school and work
5. Do you have work: uh, yes

f a v o r i t e

1. Number: 52
2. Song: i love every song
3. Season: fall
4. State: florida

a r e y o u

1. alone while doing this?: yes
2. Missing someone: no
3. Mood: sleepy
4. Wanting: to sleep and color

Q: what's the last text message on your cell phone say?:
A: hey!

Q: whose bed did you sleep in last night ?:
A: mine

Q: what color shirt are you wearing ?:
A: white

Q: most recent movie that you watched ?:
A: the hills have eyes

Q: name one thing that you do everyday ?:
A: eat

Q: what's the color of your bedroom walls?:
A: white w/ teal and black checkers at the bottom with a hot pink trim

Q: how much cash do you have on you right now ?:
A: like $8

Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken?
A: breast

Q: I can't wait til...?
A: i get to go home

Q: When was the last time you saw your mom?
A: this morning

Q: Who got you to join myspace?
A: brandee

Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: i believe so

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: a wall

Q: Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
A: i think i borrowed danny jacket or shorts

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: umm, ticketmaster, my banks website, best buy, ebay, etc.

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: no

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: yes, my body is just sore for some reason. i think im getting sick

Q: When was your last limo ride?
A: at the bahamas like 0394827 years ago

Q: What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
A: i have like 23. iced and sweetened black tea, white chocolate mocha (hot drink and frap) mmmmm, i want starbucks now.

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: i dunno

Q: Would you have a problem if your friend went out with your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
A: its already happened and im going to keep quiet about this one

Q: Who did you repost this from?
A: danielle
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