TotA Meme

Dec 12, 2006 00:17

Quote of the Month: "Handcuffs scream only two things, when not from a police officer: Let's play cops and robbers. And let's fuck so hard that I'll have to chain you to the bed so you don't fly through the wall." --- shadowstar_415 because it's so frighteningly true and because she said it during our Jade x Tear chat.

But onto the true topic.

01. Favorite Character Overall and Why
Jade Curtiss. Honestly, who can hate him? He's so freaking awesome. IMPALING HEAVEN.

02. Least Favorite Character Overall and Why
Mohs, hands down. Stupid, purplish, short-legged, flying roach of crack twitchiness.

03. Favorite WTF/Gay-innuendo Moment and Why
Peony calling Jade "My Jade". SRLY.

04. Favorite Overall Male Character (PC or NPC)
Going with Jade again. Other than him, I guess Guy.

05. Favorite Overall Female Character (PC or NPC)
Tear Grants!

06. Favorite Artes
Impaling Heaven (SNERK), Severed Fate, Nihil Blade Tempest, Devil's Inferno, Light Spear Cannon, Mystic Cage, Razing Phoenix, Akashik Torment, Big Bang, Prism Ballet, Innocent Shine, Fortune's Ark, INDIGNATION (omfg, my most favorite spell in all Tales history)

07. Most Annoying Character EVAR
Mohs, again. Never really liked him. EVAR.

08. Characters you once disliked but now like
Natalia. She really isn't that spoiled, arrogant, weak, whiny princess she may come off as.

09. Favorite Pairing(s)
Jade x Tear, Tear x Guy, Sync x Anise, Ion x Anise, Florian x Anise, Guy x Natalia, Guy x Anise, Natalia x Asch, Asch x Tear, Tear x Peony, Peony x Nephry

10. Least Favorite Pairings
Haven't come across or felt anything as such toward any pairing. But if I had to be honest... Luke x Tear *dodges knives*

11. Best Character Designs in Your Opinion
Jade, Tear, Guy, Peony, Legretta, Nebilim, Sync, Asch, and Nephry. Really. All of these people have such stylish clothes, IMO, and Jade's belt -- I would sell my soul for.

12. Favorite Dungeon Thus Far
Eldrant. Looooooooooooooots of experience.

13. Favorite City Thus Far
Grand Chokmah. It's so pretty. Waaaaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeeeer.

14. Do Luke's Abs of Steel Distract You?
Never really paid any mind to 'em.

15. True or False: Guy's Gynophobia is just the Coolest Thing Ever
Of course.

16. What are Your Thoughts on Mieu?
I keep on thinking he's wearing a diaper...

17. Who Deserves to Die a Thousand Deaths?
Mohs. :D

18. True or False: Mohs is a Castrati.

19. Peony vs. Ingobert
Peony for the WIN!

20. Tokunaga vs. Mieu
Duude, Tokunaga can effing Final Fury that furry thing, despite how cute Mieu is.

19. Does the fact that Guy's voiced by Vash the Stampede mean anything at all to you?
In that case, he and Legretta would have something very in common.

20. Then how about the fact that he's voiced by a former Power Ranger?
Then why didn't he get the same color when he got his Abyssman costume?

21. Favorite Skit(s) Thus Far
Curing Gynophobia, Keeping Cool, and As A Soldier. Basically, any skit that has Jade or Tear in it, or both, which is a plus.

22. True of False: Largo's weapon is overcompensation.
He's rather... big himself, so... But that's all I'm saying.

23. Any parts that made you cry, or get teary-eyed?
Not that any of these happened, I just got sad at a certain scene...

24. Would you want Abyss to continue as a series?
As long as it's not like another FFX-2, or anything. Le gasp. Maybe Jade could be the main character (srly, he could have his own game, I think. He has years and events that could so be played through)! :O

25. Anything you would change about the game if you could?
Change Tear's love interest to Jade. It's perfectly fine the way it is. But more pretty Tear pictures, as well as Jade, plzkthnx.

... Yes, I am crazy, huh? :D What's even worse is that I keep on having thought up wars between Lezard Valeth and Jade 'cause Dist's voice is voiced by the same person.

Last week till Winter Break for meeeeeeeeee~! And, OMG, 18 more days till my BIRTHDAY!

largo, tear, tales of the abyss, anise, guy, tota, natalia, luke, legretta, jade, sync, mieu, meme, mohs

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