(no subject)

Oct 12, 2006 21:57

WOO~ I made an 808 record in my lap around the school's block for PE! Even better than the other time I did this sort of run in PE. OH YEAH. And I finished my latest icon batch here. Watch the comm, people! Join it! My cousin, almostsurprised is an even better icon designer than me!

Anyway, tomorrow is October Fest in my school. It's basically this festival where all the clubs in the school sell food to the students and such. We have to stay there for a while, but we get to leave early! But there's no lunch time... Sad. But I guess I could hang around before ditching the place. SLEEP FOR ME.

Another thing...

Larsa Solidor x Penelo of FINAL FANTASY XII.

THEY ARE LOVE. And jailbait! I blame k_dash for making me like this pairing.

... Even if Larsa is a twelve-year old prince and Penelo is a sixteen-year old pirate. Ahem. WHAT WONDERS SHALL BE IN STORE FOR ME FROM THOSE TWO?

... And now I just remembered Final Fantasy XII comes out at the end of October. My Driver's Ed class also ends as well. O NOES.

What also made the day better was when a girl asked me this question in school,

"Are your boobs real?"

To which I answer,

"There's only one way to find out..."

And she promptly shut up. I wonder why she was even looking... HA HA!

Jade Curtiss is actually 35. WHAT THE HELL? ... But that makes thing even hotter for me. HEH.

october, ffxii, penelo, school, jade curtiss, larsa solidor, final fantasy

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