Dance In The Dark

Jan 05, 2010 01:33


I just find it's time to let go of some loose ends on my friends list. I've been pretty much set to do this around the time the New Year started around, so... While I'm not the best of friends, I just find that I couldn't seem to talk with certain people and that we were just stagnant. I'm going to try to be that better friend and be more attentive and outgoing to the friends who would be willing.

As such, this is also a reverse friends cut. I'm not going to hold it against you, and it would be perfectly understandable. To the friends I had, it was fun while it lasted, and hopefully you find much happier times in the future, and thank you. ♥

Unless someone would want to still contact me, you could PM me. Otherwise, comments are disabled and this post will remain public for a short amount of time.

Stay classy.

friends, friends cut

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