Passing the Baton

Oct 17, 2008 22:05

Pretty late in development, considering one ended weeks ago, and the other just started recently, but, ah... I like to be fashionably late? 'Nyway, this was mostly drawn from inspiration from that fanart of Setsuna from Gundam 00 and Lelouch from Code Geass.

Please enjoy, despite my glaringly craptastic art and mistakes. ;w;

"It's your turn to sing now."

... see what I did thar? 8D It doesn't help that they're both voiced by the same woman in Japanese: the sexilicious sounding Yukana-sama. *A* And it also doesn't help that their clothes seems so similar did there have to be so many gold accents? God. Plus, if you can think of it this way, they compensate each other: Tear's the tits, C.C.'s the ass. 8Db *SHOT*

H-Hope to hear what you think. ♥

To anyone on my f-list, anyone willing to... uh, take a go at coloring this? 8D;;; The lineart's here. I know it's rather troublesome, and my drawings are so disgustingly unclear and dirty, but... I would like to see someone else's take on this? I'm not the best at coloring or graphicking, so... Haha. Yeah. Just asking.

Lo, I'm only keeping this public because I'm too lazy to spread it out anywhere else. -o-

code geass, tear, tales of the abyss, art, tota, cg, drawing, c.c.

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