Nov 09, 2008 16:15
Edit: This does not make sense
Everyone. Your friends, your parents, your neighbours, your dog, rich people, famous people, people who made a difference to the world, and You. Everyone has their ups and downs, even if it doesn't seem like it. Its in everyones nature to have a bad day or a great day once in a while. I think everyone has used the phrase "I'm just having a bad day" or "Today is the best day of my life!" before. I think everyone that looks back at their past, remembers the good times and bad times.
However, there's also the case where you can have had a good/bad week, month or year. You would probably have had good times last year, but the negative moments overpower the positive. I believe that you create your own bad and good days. How? Well, through expectations. If you expect something on that day, and it doesnt come true or it's not as good as you expected, you'll have a bad day. Example, you tell yourself you're going to study for the business test at 7 o'clock, and you simply don't or perhaps you take as much in as possible, before going to bed. Perhaps that won't give you a bad day, but it certainly makes you feel guilty for a while. If the majority of expectations you (un)consciously make aren't fullfilled, you will feel crap over the course of the day. However, if majority of expectations you do make get achieved you will feel; great. You know when you have those days, where you get into momentum and finish off work efficiently. After that you feel more than satisfied.
Expectations come at different levels, but how to explain that. There was a day I was having a talk about expectations with a friend. He explained it quite well, he used the example of a game. If you buy a game that has been rumoured and advertised to be the most awesome game in the world, your expectations are high. You play the game and finish it. The game was crap, I mean it was good, but it wasn't as good as you expected it to be. Now, if the rumours and advertisements announced it was an OK game, your expectations would be lower and it would turn out to be a good game, and you'd be satisfied with it.
Thats the power of expectations.
There is one more thing, I'd like to explain. It comes in three stages, it's what everyone automatically tries to predict. For example, you get your Business test back. (First) There is what you WANT. (Second) There is what you EXPECT. (Third) There is what you GET. Obviously you WANT a 7/7, with the studying you've done you EXPECT a 5/7, and what you GET is always a mystery. It should be in between your WANT and EXPECT. So it's not what you wanted, but higher than you expected.
But after reading this, don't have your expectations low every moment of the day, so whatever you GET will be higher than what you EXPECTed. Thats not how it works, first of all it will turn you into a pessimistic person and second of all you'll be lying to yourself and that simply messes you up. As cliche as this sounds, you have to believe what you tell yourself, and what you truly believe it is you think you will get.
- DeBeer
ups. downs,