I wish I was one of my yabbies.
Yabbies are little shell fish and they kind of look like a prawn or a shrimp. Here's a pic of one.
Okay okay I'm kidding. I could never KILL and EAT my yabbies. They're my babies. Dave-o keeps threatening to eat them but dammit I've had them since they were little tackers. Kind of like Homer and Pinchy.
Here's a real pic
Anywho we cleaned out the tank yesterday and we changed stuff around in the tank because I figured even yabbies need a change of scenery and we added two clear pvc pipes (formerly a UUUUUUUUSELESS piece of aquarium equipment that was supposed to clean the pebbles on the bottom) and we made a little maze. One pipe goes from the Flintstone house to their little log and the other pipe goes from the other side of the log to the top of the Flintstone house, but under a piece of broken tile.
It's the best tank ever and I think the yabbies are starting to trust us. When we first tried to catch those little critters you had to have about 8 hands in the tank and hope to god someone caught one of them, now they just sit there and let me pick them up and awwwwwwwwwwwwww they're so cute. I would probably feel more at ease about their sudden co-operation if I hadn't read that thread about Siegfried and Roy's tiger using Roy as a health bar.
I know I know, there's a huge difference between a yabbie and a tiger, but damn those pincers can get you but GOOD.
Anywho they love their new set up to bits. They ran around like mad things running over everything and running through the pipes which made us all say "ooooooooooooooh" because they actually USED it and then the yabbies started 'getting friendly'.
I can't believe I correctly sexed a shellfish. That's if "yeah that one looks like a guy" counts as sexing. I already knew I had a female because she had babies but alas they all died. So yeah, with any luck, we might have some baby Flintstones on the way.
I installed my new modem today. It doesn't feel any different and I wonder if it's one of those instances where you don't notice any changes straight away. Like on your birthday. You don't feel a year older till your next birthday is 3 months away. I'm wondering if my hamsters have to get used to the new stuff. Maybe get limbered up and build up their heart rates slowly or something....