Giving Thanks

Nov 24, 2011 22:04

We have had a quiet Thanksgiving at home - unusually quiet, since I have lost my voice completely. Laryngitis: no fun. However, we managed to cook and eat:
Cornbread stuffing
Cranberries (recipe courtesy Ed Flesh, whom I mention because he died this year and because he was a very nice man)
Macaroni and cheese (exceptionally good this year, even by papertigers's high standards)
Braised brussels sprouts and chestnuts
Sweet potato pie

When we had eaten and put away leftovers, we took a long walk through the neighboring condominium complex, which is large and borders the woods. Through the windows, we saw and heard a lot of talking, laughter, and food. Some were watching football; some were watching movies; but most of the lit windows had talking people, eating dinner - exactly what I love about Thanksgiving. A few people had gotten a start on Christmas decorations, which I also love. We even saw a few people walking around with children and elderly people, and were greeted more than once. I felt bad that my "Happy Thanksgiving" was in a hoarse whisper, barely audible to anyone standing more than a foot away.

Tomorrow, we will put up and decorate the Christmas tree and play Christmas carols. We will also go to Goodwill to give a few things away. I am very thankful that we limited the number of gifts we give and get a few years ago, and that I shop for Christmas and Yule all year long. I do not feel that I am under any obligation to go out and shop on Black Friday, as many people in reduced circumstances do (especially if they have kids). Instead, we relax at home and stay sane.

Tonight I am thankful for hot baths, cute cats, novels, tea, friends and family of all kinds, and the great privilege to live in a place with running water, electricity, and protection from the elements. I am thankful for every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving, folks - even if you are a weird Canadian who has to celebrate Thanksgiving on my birthday. ;)

holidays, yule, christmas, friends are the family you choose, friends, fun, illness

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