I Was Right

Nov 24, 2009 06:51

Today, I got up early because I couldn't bear the anxiety. It's definitely travel anxiety. I don't like airplanes and the prospect of my parents alone is enough to make me nervous, much less my parents + papertigers, makes me nervous. So, since it does in fact make me feel better, here is today's to-do list.

✓go to Post Office for money
-go to Target for new charger
✓clean bathtubs
✓clean toilets
✓clean bathroom counters (these are separate because it's fun to check them off)
✓put away clean laundry
✓do dishes (unload and reload)
✓clean top of dresser and floor of closet
DONEcook dinner

If and only if there is time (otherwise I'll do this tomorrow):

-scrub stove
-clean oven
-bleach countertops

At least I now know why I've been feeling crazy for the past few days. Now I can try to convince myself that it's not worth being nervous about these things! After all, I've done a lot of traveling in my time. My parents aren't bad sorts, and papertigers is always very good about calming me down when they are driving me crazy. And we'll have a separate car.

holidays, family, travel

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