Hope you had a fabulous Halloween!
In this country, Halloween is a celebration of costumes, candy, and good spirits, but did you know that Samhain (Halloween’s Celtic name) represents the dawn of a New Year? Out with the old, in with the new!
So to modern day followers of Samhain…Happy New Year!
We had a great Halloween last night. The grandkids came over and trick-or-treated from our house. We had a NASCAR driver, a Hershey Kiss (too cute for words!), and a tiny pirate.
Our neighborhood kids and their friends cleaned us out of all things candy and then respected our “lights out, nobody home” darkened countenance once the treats were depleted. It’s a good neighborhood *happy sigh*
We remembered to change our clocks this morning (did you?), so all is right in our world!
And…a special good wish goes out to everyone participating in
NaNoWriMo this year. May you write like the wind and discover your muse!