I had to read this too fast, Debbie, but I loved it! You've done an exciting AND intellectually rewarding job of filling in the blanks. Excellent characterization and so iimaginative! I want to read it more to savor later, but I'm just too bizzy bizzy right now. But for now, YAY!
Sorry you're so busy but I truly appreciate your taking the time to read it. I had a blast writing this thing - one of those rare stories that wanted to be written, and given the subject matter, I'm not sure what that says about me...:)
I've said it to you while beta'ing, and I'll say it here. You can just colour me as weird as you, hon, because I =LOVED= this.*g* I think it's a superb piece of story telling, and the way you've woven canon into the imagined POVs of Ruby and Azazel is enthralling from start to finish. The insight, the nuances, the macabre comic touches, are simply wonderful.
I can't tell you how much your lovely feedback means... I had way too much fun writing this, but I really was inspired by Ruby's parting speech to Sam. It gave layers to her character that completely changed how I saw Ruby and I desperately wanted to go back and find more meaning in her time on the show. Thanks for the wonderful beta and for your constant encouragement - so much appreciated!
Comments 39
My favourite of yours so far.
Very fresh and imaginative.
Great job!!! :)
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