Man oh man, this season....

Oct 14, 2011 19:14

I know there are fans out there with broken hearts, but I've got to say... this season - it's really working for me.

Here be spoilers.

Usually, I'm not a fan of montages.... the Lisa montage from last season is a perfect example of why. But this time, it really got to me. Not the Jo one so much (although I thought she was lovely and poignant and pale), but the Sam one of course. Tracking Dean's thoughts like that from the night he broke into Sam's Stanford apartment to Jess on the ceiling to John's gravestone to Cold Oak. To deals upon deals upon deals. The path to hell and back again.

I've often thought of Supernatural as some sort of classic tragedy. A series of 'what-ifs?' that keeps leading us inevitably to where we are now. But to see that Dean also feels it that way hit me hard. That he carries it all on his shoulders, thinking it was all because he didn't want to do it alone. And the fact that even if it was utterly true, Sam didn't blame him for it.

They're brothers again. This is what I signed up for. Anybody besides me feel like we have slipped back into Season 2 again, but in a good way, the best way, where there was still hope at the end of the road, even though the demons were closing in.

I love my show. I really do. I'm so glad we have this season.


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