Jul 09, 2009 19:08
Our nephew and his wife live five blocks north of us. Their cat, Boots (who isn't even a year old yet...don't get me started) had five kittens a week or so ago. Brent is five. He's okay with the kittens, but I'd wish he wouldn't try to play with them so much since they're so very tiny. His best friend Lucas is staying with him for a couple of days. Lucas is six. Lucas has a boy cat whose name escapes me. Lucas told me how he has to scoop out the kitty box every morning with a baggie and a shovel, and how he has to take care of his kitty, and how you have to hold a kitty so it's not scared. He'd like one of Boots' more siamese looking female kittens too. He wants to name her Crystal and get her a pink litter box. He told me that then he'd have to have two baggies so he could clean both litter boxes. Lucas was so sweet and gentle with the kittens I thought my heart would break from all the cuteness!!!!!
Then there's Trinity. We call her Trins, Sister, or Lou. She's a 2 1/2 year old force of nature. Her dad, our nephew Jonny, doesn't care for cats. He told her to flush them, and thank goodness Deanna was home or she would have. She carries them around by the neck, the legs, and the tail. She sits on them. She throws them in the air and lets them land on the ground. She's a menace!!!!! Deanna keeps putting the kittens in she and Jon's bedroom, but Boots insists on hauling them all back into Trins room. We're all wondering if Boots WANTS the kittens to die!
While I was there taking pictures I was trying to explain--fairly loudly--that when the kittens squeak and mew really hard that means they're either scared or hurt. I asked Trinity, "You don't want to hurt the kitties, do you?" From the look on her face I'm thinking a whip and some tall black boots should be her next Christmas gift. I kept trying though, and finally I just said, "You're going to break the kitties. If you break them you can't play with them anymore." That stopped her...for a millisecond. I finally hauled all three kids back downstairs where they glommed onto their aunt Rickie who was holding the teeny weeny black kitten. Their huge pit-bull, Otis (O-dee-o), came running up to Rickie, sniffed the kitten she was holding, and ever so gently licked it's tiny head. Trinity tried to put a necklace on it.
When I could FINALLY pry the kitten away from Rickie I started to carry it upstairs, but Jonny insisted that Trins should take it up. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!